Andrew Sweeny

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Andrew Sweeny is a writer, teacher, popular blogger, published poet, podcaster, musician, coach, and editor of Parallax.

About: Andrew Sweeny has worked as a touring musician and put out several albums, published a book of poetry, and animated two popular podcasts and a philosophical blog on Medium and now on Parallax. For spiritual development, Andrew has spent twenty-five years practicing different forms of Buddhist meditation, including Zen and Vajrayana. He is a long time practitioner of Yoga and Tai Chi, he has participated and animated men’s circles, and he has lived in various intentional communities. Furthermore, he has practiced family constellations, Gestalt therapy, breathwork, and several other therapeutic modes before developing his own syncretic approach. Today, as well as being a coach, teacher, and mentor, Andrew is an editor at Parallax magazine and a teacher at Sciences Po University in Paris, France. He lives just outside Paris in Avon, France with his wife Amelia—who a therapist and also a coach—and two beautiful kids, and a pug named Walt Whitman.

Links: Main Website:
