Bret Weinstein

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Bret Weinstein is a theoretical evolutionary biologist focused on adaptive patterns within complex, dynamic systems. His work revolves around trade-offs that force selection to balance competing values within fluctuating or patchy habitats. He has worked on the Darwinian underpinnings of senescence, the origin of species diversity gradients, the lek paradox, and the evolution of moral self-sacrifice. As an undergraduate, he studied under Robert Trivers, and his graduate advisor was R. D. Alexander. He earned a PhD in Biology from the University of Michigan, and for 14 years taught evolutionary theory at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. On Youtube, he produces videos about adaptive evolution, good governance, the breakdown of civil discourse and subsequent mayhem at Evergreen and other college campuses, and about the emerging Coalition of the Reasonable.

On his Youtube channel, he produces videos about adaptive evolution, good governance, the breakdown of civil discourse and subsequent mayhem at Evergreen and other college campuses, and about the emerging Coalition of the Reasonable.